A Colonoscopy Could Save Your Life

Your screening colonoscopy can detect or even prevent colon cancer. If you're 50 or older, it's time for you to get screened.
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It’s estimated that 60% of those deaths could have been avoided with proper screening. Even with this easy detection and prevention method, about 1 IN 3 AMERICANS who should be getting tested for colon cancer are not being screened. Don’t be part of this sad statistic. learn more


Routine, preventive screening colonoscopies are covered by most insurance plans. That means you can get this simple, safe, life-saving procedure with no out-of-pocket cost for you. learn more


And the most effective way to catch it early is a screening colonoscopy, which can detect and remove precancerous polyps. Removing these polyps can prevent cancer from forming in the first place. learn more

What our clients say

Sally MI found Dr. Rutland very informative and helpful. Answered all questions I had. I felt very comfortable with him and considered him a great doctor! Doing all he told me to do I am feeling much better!
Norman SI found Dr. McLaughlin to be professional, concerned and caring. He took the time to explain what my problems were and what he intended to do about them. I have complete confidence in him.
Katie TI can't complain because they keep up with my health. They call me and keep tabs on me. The doctor is excellent, and I haven't had any bad experiences with him.

Don’t wait any longer. Your screening colonoscopy could save your life!

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Know Your Colonoscopy Facts

Myths and fears about colonoscopies often get in the way of someone getting the life-saving screening they need. Learn the facts so you can be on your way to a pursuing a healthy, cancer-free life.

Myth #1: Colon cancer won’t affect me.

FACT: 1 in 20 Americans will get colon cancer in their lifetime, which is why it is so critical for men and women age 50-75 to get screened. If caught early, it's highly treatable and survivable.

Myth #2: I’m not having symptoms, so I don’t need screening.

FACT: Symptoms may be a sign that you already have advanced-stage cancer. Routine screening colonoscopies detect and remove pre-cancerous polyps, so you can stop colon cancer before it starts.

Myth #3: I can’t afford a colonoscopy.

FACT: Your screening colonoscopy is fully covered by insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). And if a polyp is found during your procedure, it can often be removed without additional costs or treatments.

Myth #4: Colonoscopies hurt.

FACT: Colonoscopies are done under sedation and last 30 to 60 minutes, so the procedure is pretty quick and painless. Most patients barely remember it happening and are back on their feet in no time.

Myth #5: Colonoscopies are too risky.

FACT: It’s actually a very safe procedure. Serious complications are extremely rare (about 2 in 1000 patients). You are far more likely to get colon cancer, which is very dangerous when left undetected.

Myth #6: That prep stuff is gross.

FACT: It's no mai tai on the beach, but it’s not as bad as you think. With new flavors, dosages, and schedules, prep has gotten a lot better. A slightly unpleasant drink is worth it to quickly detect and prevent cancer.

Myth #7: Other screening methods are fine.

FACT: A colonoscopy examines the whole colon, providing a 95% detection rate for cancer and precancerous polyps. Other screening methods often only detect cancer once it's already formed.